How Much is A Nose Job
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How Much is A Nose Job?

Definition of Rhinoplasty 

Broad names of Rhinoplasty are “nose shaping” and “nose job”.  When a person is not satisfied with its nose shape, its size, due to some injury, birth scars, to improve breathing process or just to make it sharp and attractive, he/she mostly chooses a nose surgery that is known as rhinoplasty surgery. 

What To Keep In Mind Before And After Rhinoplasty :

  1. Though Rhinoplasty is a safe procedure but to take doctor’s advice is extremely important to know about what to control in future, how to maintain the nose shape, what discomforts can come, etc. Above all these to choose a correct doctor is very necessary to avoid future consequences regarding nose surgery. 
  2. The nose job is very popular among teenagers because they care about their looks, facial features and facial compilations and all but teenagers should be capable of bearing the pain and parents’ support is essential.
  3. Duty of a surgeon before rhinoplasty surgery is to inform the patient about the pros and cons. To make them understand properly, a practical way is much better than explanation so to use a screen or give them a brief idea about how their nose might look after rhinoplasty surgery. 
  4. If rhinoplasty is just for good appearance then surgery hardly takes 1-2 hours but if a patient is doing it to remove the scars of accidents or breathing problems then it may take more than two hours. 
  5. After rhinoplasty, most of the surgeons suggest wearing splints which helps to give relief to nasal bones. One should not do high-intensity exercise such as running, skipping, etc . if surgery is done because of breathing problems.



It is generally based on local or general anaesthesia and surgery is of short-period there is no need to stay overnight and can be done in a doctor’s clinic or hospital.

  •  If local anaesthesia is used, then the person directly sleeps in the entire operation (mostly used for young adults or teenagers) and general anaesthesia is all about temporarily making your nose numb so that person doesn’t feel the pain. 
  • Next step involves parting the skin and nasal bone and cartilage, this also involves nostril cuts to shape the nose with precision.
  • It depends on the proportion of cartilage also, if it is needed less, surgeons either take from the ear or from the inner nose. If it is needed more, implantation requires.


After surgery, the doctor/surgeon keeps a patient under observation for a couple of hours to see the changes, if changes are very severe then the patient needs to stay in the hospital for 1-2 days. For proper dressing, some doctors ask patients to visit their clinic/hospital for a week or so and some explain step by step through the phone. If the stitches are complex and unabsorbable the doctor may call a visit to take them out and simple stitches disappear on their own.

If you still have bandages:

  1. Use the toothbrush once a day and for the rest of the day-use floss.
  2. Prefer shirts over shirts as they are easy to take off and won’t hurt your nose.
  3. Change your diet: eat fibrous and nutrient-dense to get rid of bandages and bleeding quickly. 

Sometimes swelling might stay for 2-3 months and surgical repair of the nose even lasts for 6 months depending on factors like bleeding, absorption level of mucus.


It is commonly known as liquid rhinoplasty. As the name itself says no surgery is required for this procedure and it is done by using some hyaluronic acid i.e. gluey gel-like substance is placed under the skin of nose and botox helps to give a smooth texture. Non Surgical rhinoplasty is less time consuming, less costly and less risky. If breathing problems and various injuries are not your main concern and you are looking for some good, eye-grabbing changes in your nose then non-surgical rhinoplasty is right for you.

As it is less complicated after surgery one can follow the same normal routine without any issue. Non-surgical nose job usually takes 20-30 minutes. Minor things such as irritation, headache, little pain can occur and if done by using quality fillers it can last for years and keeps the nose shape intact no matter whatever shape, small nose or big nose, it lasts. 

Cost of Non-surgical Rhinoplasty – Minimum it starts from 200$ to $1500.

How Much Does A Nose Job ( Rhinoplasty ) Cost ?

Actual cost of nose job/rhinoplasty depends on various things such as:

  1. Country – In countries like the US, UK, Australia and western European countries the cost of rhinoplasty are comparatively higher. While in countries like India, Turkey, Thailand, Iran, Brazil, etc. are on  a lower side.
  2. Location/geography – Depends on which area the hospital or clinic is located, if the area is Posh prices of nose shaping surgery skyrockets. 
  3. Surgeon’s popularity/reputation – Mostly experienced doctors and doctors with masters degrees are preferred by patients and definitely how accurately and safely the surgery is done also comes first.
  4. Post -operative kit – If the doctor is providing an after surgery kit which includes nasal spray, gauze tape, etc. Also if any medical tests are done then prices range accordingly.
  5. Anesthesia – While doing surgery to not cause any harm to patients, surgeons use anesthesia so its cost also matters during nose job surgery. 
  6. Level of surgery – Some rhinoplasty surgeries are very time consuming  and complex and some are not, so some doctor’s charge per hour, so more the hours, more the cost. 
  7. Type of the surgery -Open surgery’s cost is more while close surgery’s cost is minor, for normal fixing it is less and for advanced nose reduction and reshaping nose is more.

Average cost of nose job (rhinoplasty) surgery of some countries are given below :

  1. Dubai – $5000 – $8000
  2. Turkey – $1500 – $2500
  3. India – $3000 –  $7000
  4. US – $6000- $11000
  5. Thailand – $3500 – $7000
  6. Brazil – $6000 – $13000
  7. Mexico – $3000 – $4000


  • What is the cost of Deviated Septum?

It varies from country to country and hospital to hospital but generally, it ranges between $900 to $4000.

  • What’s the use of arm and hammer nasal spray ?

It helps to moisten the nostrils and gives relief for congestion mostly used after rhinoplasty surgery to lighten the pain and stitches.

  • How Rhinoplasty (nose job) can help a person?

It helps in reducing the nostrils, cures hums and uneven depressions, aligns nasal tips, etc.


The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical consultation, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before making any decisions regarding your health. Read more